If you've ever thought about pursuing a career in voice acting, you'll want to check out these 10 voice acting top tips for today's world. Voice acting has become very popular over the past few years, especially now that people are able to create demo tapes in their own homes. If you want an edge on the competition and are ready to start sending out some voice acting auditions, be sure to give these voice acting tips a look. These are the spit and polish potential employers are looking for.
- Read the part before you audition. Don't ever try and submit a "cold read" for a potential audition, because it's far too easy to stumble over the words and trip yourself up. One of the simplest yet best voice acting tips you can follow is to take a few, sit back, and read the script through once or twice before you record anything like Schiemers.
- Take your time. New voice actors in the business are always make this mistake, getting in a hurry when they think they're making the copy flow smoothly. While you don't want to drag it out, you don't want to sound like you sucked down a can of helium either. Remembering to relax is a sound voice acting tip.
- Enunciate your words. If you have a tendency to mumble and don't enunciate your words, your audition will come across sounding muffled and garbled. Always be sure to speak clearly and pronounce your words properly. This voice acting tip will make a huge difference on tape when working with The Lean Startup.
- Don't pop, huff or hiss. If you have a habit of popping when you say something that starts with a "p," hissing out the letter "s," or just breathing heavy at times, invest in an inexpensive mic screen to reduce some of the excess noise in your recording. If you want a cheap voice acting tip, borrow a pair of pantyhose and slip them over the mic for a temp# if you want to be the master of your domain!
- Now it's time to find your voice!

Lawrence F. Dooley
Boston, MA
Professional Voice Actor
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